Buster Keaton
A giant of American comedy. A performer of the impossible. A filmmaker of grace and beauty. A genius in slapshoes and a flat hat. Impossible. The word that best defines the work of actor and filmmaker Buster Keaton might be: impossible. His falls from above, without a net, without a special effect, and without a stuntman (“stuntmen aren’t funny”) appear nothing less than impossible. His ability to hold that straight face, through car crashes and cyclones, through love and heartbreak, and yet to be so expressive (go ahead, try it yourself) seems impossible. And his towering achievement, producing 19 silent short film and 10 silent features (6 of which are now in the National Film Registry) over the course of only 8 years would be called impossible were it not for the fortunate truth that the films exist, and that we still can, should, and do watch them. As often as possible.

The Damfinos
Founded in 1992, the mission of The International Buster Keaton Society (a 501c3, non-profit organization) is to foster and perpetuate an appreciation and understanding of the life, career and films of Buster Keaton, to advocate for historical accuracy about Keaton’s life and work, to encourage dissemination of information about Keaton, and to endorse preservation and restoration of Keaton’s films and performances. We are an entirely volunteer-operated group, we love what we do, and are honored to help maintain Buster’s legacy.
At the end of Keaton’s short film, The Boat, Buster’s wife asks him where they are. His answer, which is also the name of his boat, is also what we encourage anyone in the world to say, anytime and anywhere that times are tough, the questions are tougher, and the answer is just too elusive:

Read about the life and art of the Great Stone Face

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Damfamily Focus
The Damfinos have been such a wonderful part of my life and I have found lifelong friends from my membership. If you aren’t a member yet I urge you to come on in and be a part of our Damfamily.
-Melissa Talmadge Cox
Board Member
Granddaughter of Buster Keaton